Wrapround is a model that surrounds a youth and family with supports from different parts of their life. The team works together on a singular plan to help the youth and family reach their vision.
Family Guided
The family is the core of the Wraparound process. Their perspective is elicited and prioritized throughout the process. In the Wraparound process, the family’s perspective is every bit as important as the professionals. This allows families to become part of the problem solving team. Families have the voice to explore their options and the choice to select the actions they feel will work the best.
Goals Driven
Teams work towards accomplishing common, measurable goals. These goals coincide with the overall vision that the team has for the family’s future. Progress is monitored through the accomplishment of these goals.
Wraparound Service Coordination is a voluntary process that is made available at no cost to youth (ages birth through 21) who reside in Lorain County and meet all the following criteria:
At risk of out-of-home placement due to escalating behaviors requiring repeated hospitalizations and/or deepened levels of system involvement, and
Direct involvement with two or more of the following systems:
Behavioral Health (mental health and/o substance abuse treatment)
Lorain County Children Services
Lorain County Developmental Disabilities
Lorain CountyJuvenile Court
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan
Anyone can make a referral, including a parent or young adult self-referral.